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Insight into the Business Modelling Facilitator training

We’ve wrapped up our business modelling webinars with an insight into the upcoming Business Modelling Facilitator training which is launching soon!

In the last two weeks we went through why business modelling is more important than ever, and we also discussed how to go from theory to practice without committing murder

With these webinars we wanted to explain why and how we structured our upcoming Business Modelling Facilitator training by going into business modelling itself, of course. We also answered all of the questions we got beforehand - more than 30 questions in just the last webinar!

The goal of this training is to give all the innovation heroes (you) practical tools that they can immediately apply in their practice and in their reality to get results.


We begin the training with a short introduction, after which we go into the theoretical underpinnings. Here we focus on the background that anyone who does a business modelling workshop should know. 

Business modelling theory

We go through the two canvases - Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas, and talk about each block. What we focus on is something that is often not talked about - what is the actual logic behind the blocks and how do things work together, especially in terms of risk. 

Business modelling practice

Following the theory, we start building with an actual case. We selected AirBnB because most people will be able to grasp it without a detailed introduction to AirBnB itself. 

We do a very practical exercise using stickers (digital and physical) on the Business Model Canvas or the Lean Canvas. The point of this exercise is to get the participants ready for the main exercise. We want you to build the skills before you actually start working with the main idea. 

Following that we have a discussion on running the workshop itself. We do it in the same way as we do with our Playing Lean Facilitator training. We walk you through the actual slides: what is the intent behind them, what is the educational point behind them and how to deliver them.

We also describe how we built those slides and presentations, so if you decide to tweak them to suit you, you understand them.

Making it yours

Building on the modules talked about above, we go into making it yours. Here we provide plenty of leads. We give you insight how to connect the workshop with the Playing Lean workshop or with other workshops that you do or want to do. We also provide some specific advice for each innovation hero: the intrapreneur, the innovation coach and the educator.

At the end we sum up all key lessons and provide advice on how to move forward. 

Watch a replay of the webinar and get a sneak peak into the training:

Become a Business Modelling Facilitator

When you complete the course you can take an optional exam - if you pass it you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion. If you also submit a reflection paper, and we accept it, then you receive a Business Modelling Facilitator diploma! These two certificates are optional, and come at no additional expense. 

You also get to join our Playing Lean Facilitator club - an online community on Slack where facilitators can discuss workshops, opportunities and other.

We are very excited about the launch of the Business Modelling Facilitator training. We are putting in the finishing touches and the official launch is set for Monday, 11 May!

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