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Business Modelling: From theory to practice

In just two weeks we are launching our new Business Modelling Facilitator training. We have received a lot of questions about it, so we thought it would be best to hold three webinars on the topic of business modelling, and answer your questions. 

On Tuesday, we held our second webinar, Business modelling: From theory to practice, and discussed how to go from theory to practice without committing murder. 

Here at Playing Lean we focus on our innovation heroes because they frame and guide us in how we approach our products and services. They are intrapreneurs, innovation coaches and educators that want to be more successful at teaching innovation either in their existing organisations or in working with people. 

We are creating the Business Modelling Facilitator Training following our own advice and experience, which we will give to you as well. We want to give our community something that is adaptable, pliable and that you can use to be more successful.

Cognitive murder

When teaching business modelling, the number one mistake we observed, backed up by research, is that people who have a lot of knowledge and are eager to transfer it, commit cognitive murder. Their passion to transfer as much knowledge as they can in a short time can overload the recipient and have the opposite effect.  

Learning journey

When moving from theory to practice, it is important for the teacher or educator to be in control of the learning journey, and pace it correctly. You want to go from introducing the minimum theoretical underpinnings to the practical part as soon as possible, but be sure not to go too fast. Jumping straight into the tool can backfire. Think about how to build expertise and engage. 

From our experience, a sticker exercise is great for this purpose. It is interactive and can be done in just a few minutes. Then you build on that and use the tools to map and describe business ideas, get feedback and close the session with reflection. Reflection is very important for retention because it gives an understanding why reality is different from the expectations. 


Design principles behind the Business Modellling Facilitator Training

Focus on the essential

With this training, first we want to give you some background information on what is a business model, why we do business modelling and why is business model innovation important. 

You will also get good insight into the tools, how to use them and how they compare. This will give you confidence to choose which is the right tool for your context. 

Focus on the practical

What we focused on in Playing Lean is giving you a tool that enables you to do a short introduction and then go straight into action mode. This makes people remember lessons better and they stick for longer. 

With the Business Modelling Facilitator Training we will go deep into a case study on AirBnB. We will use both the Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas to map out AirBnB’s business model, so you can see the differences between them.

Focus on execution

This new training is built for execution, just as our board game Playing Lean was built. All the templates and tools are available immediately for your complete use and reuse. 

With the new training we want to focus on flexibility and adaptability. We will show you how to integrate it with Playing Lean workshops, but also how to integrate it with your existing services, portfolio of products, training offerings, coaching services, or if you’re in education how you can combine it with your existing curriculum. 

Remote facilitation

This is a topic that is very popular these days, and we have written a blog post on it several weeks ago.

It is important for us that what we teach can be delivered remote. We will give you the logistics to get organized and prepare you for setting up a great remote workshop. 

As you can see, we are very excited about this new offering to the Playing Lean Community.

The next webinar on the topic of business modelling is scheduled for Tuesday, 5th May 2020, 16:00 UTC/GMT+2. Register here! 

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